2.0 audio mixing services using the audio editing software Pro Tools. Navoz Estudio has a mixing room equipped with Genelec’s audio monitors and Merging Technologies’ audio interface. We offer a wide range of audio plugins, which allows for a number of different effects. The sound can liven up the video, making it more professional and attractive for the audience of the content on the media.
Stereo mixing and mastering for audiovisual media require skills and particular care to ensure the best sound possible. Even for an audio production that sounds simple to the consumer, it is extremely important that the content is processed by a qualified professional so as to obtain a clearer and more balanced sound. The finishing touch of this process is mastering: it’s when the audio is refined for better results. The mastering professional must be patient, have knowledge of the market, and, above all, work from a space that has good acoustics and insulation. It is also crucial to use high-quality audio monitors to detect eventual problems during such a delicate process.
Such work calls for a fully prepared studio that can ensure a product that is in tune with the client’s expectations and reaches the target audience. Mixing and mastering are key techniques in working with audiovisuals and choosing the right team to help in your production makes all the difference.